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A browser extension to make them disappear.

STEP 01Free & Quick-To-InstallTotally free browser extension downloadable in one click.

STEP 02Remove cookie-bannersNo more clicks, discover a banner-free internet.

STEP 03Only consent to what makes senseTaste sorts cookies and rejects the worst ones.

What's in it for you ?

Ratings to find out whether the website
you’re visiting respects your privacy

Cookies and their purpose clearly exposed

History of your consents. Revoke them anytime

4 reasons to install Taste

  • No more cookie bannersYou won’t see cookie-walls nor consent pop-ups ever again... Save your clicks for what really matters to you.
  • Respecting your privacyTaste goes beyond a simple cookie-blocker: it filters out bad cookies to ensure a personnalized consent.
  • 100% FreeNo. Money. Needed.
    Taste extension is totally free.
  • Support a fairer InternetSupporting websites and brands doing things right by consenting smartly.
We process data in accordance with our

How does Taste work ?

Taste is a browser extension acting as a consent manager on your behalf. It filters and manages cookies on websites to automate the consent process so that you no longer have to deal with cookie-banners.Taste rates websites out of 100 in order to give in-depth consent accordingly. This rating is based on the transparency of the website, its reliability and that of its cookies.

Learn more

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What is Taste ?

Taste is a browser extension acting as a consent manager on your behalf. It filters and manages cookies on websites to automate the consent process so that you no longer have to deal with cookie-banners.

Why should I use Taste instead of a cookie-blocker ?

A cookie-blocker has one binary choice: accept or refuse all cookies.
Taste goes further and offers consent that is not binary, but adapted to the websites you visit according to their transparency and respect for your privacy.
Because we know that not all cookies are malicious: some are even extremely useful for visitors such as logging-in without having to re-type your user details or seeing advertising on a specific product.
We also know that some websites need cookies to continue to exist, so if they respect your privacy, why not reward them?

What is a cookie ?

This is a small file stored on your device (phone, computer) that enables a website to obtain information about you and the way you use the website.
In concrete terms, here are a few examples:
You can log-in without having to retype your user details, because of a cookie.
If you can share content from a website directly on your socials, it’s because of a cookie
If you get advertising on a specific product or subject you checked before, it’s because of a cookie
The list could go on indefinitely, but as you can see cookies are used for a wide variety of purposes.

Why can't I see a rating on some websites ?

When you visit a website and Taste does not offer a rating for it, it is because some of the factors taken into account in our rating process are not known.
But don't worry, thanks to your visit, Taste will take this new information into account in order to provide a rating for this website as quick as possible in the following days.

How does the Taste rating system works ?

Our internal rating system takes several factors into account in order to determine whether a website manages your personal data responsibly.
For now, these factors are as follows:

— Website security and seriousness
— CMP Configuration
— Data minimization and privacy by default
— Access to information
— History of GDPR infractions

What happens when Taste is paused ?

When you set Taste to "Pause" mode, the extension will no longer make a new decision to accept or refuse cookies from the site you are visiting. You can nevertheless consult your consent history on the extension and reconsider some of your choices. You can also download your complete history in CSV format.

Who can access my personal information ?

The history of your choices and consent to the deposit of cookies is only stored locally, i.e. on your computer. This means that only you have access to your browsing history and consent data. We only store data related to your user account (e.g. e-mail address) on our servers.

How does Taste interact with cookie banners?

Taste acts as a consent manager regarding cookie banners. It always tries to:
1- Provide granular consent - that is, to accept certain cookies (also called partners), and to refuse others - based on the score* these receive.
2- Refuse or accept all cookies when the first case is not possible.

In which cases is granular consent impossible?

Taste may display a "not managed" consent state:
1- When it is not yet able to interact correctly with a site's cookie banner (also called CMP): in this case, the banner will appear, and you will have to give your consent manually.
This is an ongoing effort, we are increasing the number of CMPs managed by Taste day by day to reduce this occurrence!
2- When the only options in the banner are to accept or to pay/subscribe to access the website: in this case, Taste accepts all cookies so that the CMP does not appear and your browsing is not disturbed.

You can, of course, revoke this consent at any time in the extension settings via your history.

*Details of this score in the section "How does the Taste rating system works ?" of this FAQ!

Join the beta.

  • Join the beta. No more cookies banners, just the internet you love.
  • Set your preferences once and for all, we’ll manage the rest for you.
We process data in accordance with our

We are the creators of Axeptio, the consent management platform known for its unobtrusive and user-friendly design. With our platform already live on thousands of websites, we have witnessed the growing issue of consent fatigue and the increasing use of dark patterns online. This is why we have taken it upon ourselves to become a trusted third-party, bridging the gap between end-users and brands. With Axeptio helping businesses, we are now proud to introduce Taste, a solution dedicated to serving the needs of end-users.

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